The Challenge
The PE brine pipe of the brine baths in Schwäbisch Hall, which have been in operation since the 1990s, had a 5 cm long longitudinal crack due to soil settlement and surrounding sharp-edged rock. The salt caves of the brine baths contain around 60 tons of pure natural salt. The high salt content of up to 10.5% in the brine can quickly lead to corrosion, especially in metal components that are in direct contact with the medium.
The Solution
After consulting with Aliaxis, Stadtwerke Schwäbisch Hall decided to opt for a new innovative solution for repairing polyethylene pipes. The new FRIASAFE restrained pipe connector for pipelines made of various materials and with a pressure rating of PN16 can be used on PE pipes without an inner support sleeve. The innovative pipe connector can show all its advantages with the corrosive medium brine: With FRIASAFE, the medium only comes into contact with the approved EPDM seal and does not require an inner support sleeve.
The Realisation
FRIASAFE was installed without any problems. First, the damaged section of the pipe was cut out so that the pipe could be repaired with a new fitting piece and two pipe connectors. The pipe connectors were first pre-assembled outside the pipe trench using the assembly tool. The new PE fitting, cut to a length of 1 m, with a diameter of d110 and a wall thickness of SDR17, was then inserted between the two pipe ends and the pipe connectors were slid over. The two FRIASAFEs were then conveniently tightened from above, first with a cordless screwdriver and then with a torque wrench within a few minutes. The directly connected pressure test was passed without any problems and the open excavation pit could be backfilled.
The Conclusion
The repair of the brine pipeline was successfully completed within the planned timeframe and the pipeline could be put back into operation immediately to provide brine and nutrient-rich water for the bathers at the brine pool. The installers particularly praised the simple, quick and uncomplicated installation of the FRIASAFE pipe connector - and all without having to bend down.