Neckarsteinach wastewater treatment plant - Aliaxis PE solutions in the wastewater area for sludge drainage in the sedimentation tank of the wastewater treatment plant
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FRIAFIT: Fused sockets AM, special fittings segment bends 11° and 22°, wastewater pipe da400 SDR 17

The Challenge

The ageing and heavily corroded steel pipe in the sedimentation tank of the Neckarsteinach wastewater treatment plant has been in operation since 1983. It was now dilapidated, there were repeated accidents and it was on the verge of failure. Shutting down the plant, which was in operation 24/7, to replace it would have meant that the wastewater would have been discharged untreated into the Neckar.

The Solution

For reasons of corrosion resistance and longevity, the Heidelberg wastewater association opted for PE pipe material in the dimension d400 SDR 17. The company G. Wäsch GmbH was commissioned to replace the steel pipe with this PE pipe. The pipeline was laid parallel to the steel pipeline in operation.

The Realisation

We were able to guarantee comprehensive consulting support as well as short delivery times for special components. The material was ordered via Muffenrohr Tiefbauhandel GmbH in Heidelberg and the FRIATOOLS FWSG 710 S were provided directly by Aliaxis Germany as rental equipment. Deviating from the planning, it turned out in practice that further special components were required. Rapid delivery of the required 11° and 22° segment bends was unavoidable due to the impossibility of shutting down the system. Custom-made products are manufactured to customer specifications in our in-house factory.

The Conclusion

The project was successfully completed on schedule. G. Wäsch GmbH praised the expert advice and on-site service provided by Aliaxis Germany from a single source during the construction phase. In addition, the rapid production of the customized segment bends required at short notice from the manufactory for demanding projects, as well as the rapid response in the procurement of the required FRIATOOLS, were positively emphasized. Mr. Wäsch says: "With this service, the sleeve can also cost a few euros more." For him, no other brand will be considered in future. Mr. Getzin from the Heidelberg wastewater association also emphasizes that PE should be tendered and used again as a material for further measures due to the positive experience.


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Project reports