Special challenges, sustainably solved: sewer rehabilitation in Mönchengladbach
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The Challenge

Around 20 percent of public sewers in Germany show signs of damage. Root ingrowth is the number one cause of operational damage. The need for renovation is therefore high. However, only just under one percent of the sewer network is renovated each year. Too little, as the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) explains in the evaluation of its 2020 survey on the "Condition of the sewer system in Germany". When it comes to renovation work, the focus is on simple implementation and a long-term solution to the problem. Sewage systems made of the material PE have precisely these properties.

In Birkenallee in Mönchengladbach, the hydraulic conditions of an old combined sewer have changed. The old sewer shows considerable damage, including leaks caused by root ingrowth. Replacement is urgently required. The conditions for the work are challenging: the space available is not only restricted by trees and a railroad line. Another challenge is the laying of the sewer through a specially constructed tunnel to penetrate an earth embankment.

The Solution

The client, NEW AG, wants the material to be durable and have a long service life. The new sewer should be permanently watertight. For these reasons, they opted for the material PE and the connection technology of electrofusion welding. The construction manager responsible at NEW, Mr. Klein, puts it in a nutshell: "We want to use a material that offers us long-term operational reliability and makes root ingrowth impossible."

The project at a glance

  • Measure: Rehabilitation of combined sewer
  • Construction site: Birkenallee, Mönchengladbach
  • Client: NEW AG
  • Construction company: Ernst Kreuder GmbH & Co KG
  • Construction site support: Aliaxis Deutschland GmbH
  • Products: FRIAFIT drainage saddle ASA UNI, clamping device UNITOP, sockets UB d 900 and AM d 560, welding device FRIAMAT 7 with app, rounding clamp FWXRH, peeling chain FWSK
The Realisation

Aliaxis cooperates with Ernst Kreuder Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co. This has been one of the leading construction companies in the Mönchengladbach area for over 60 years. Together with selected partners, it successfully realizes challenging construction projects true to the motto "Building together". We coordinate with Kreuder and produce molded parts in OD 900 and OD 560 in stock. This avoids delivery delays during the work. We also provide support with our construction site service: sales representative Stefan Rumpf assists Kreuder with the provision and instruction of various tools required for processing large-diameter pipes. This involves, for example, rounding clamps for the pipes or clamping tools for the saddle components.

The Conclusion

The project was successfully completed within the planned time frame and the solution combines sustainability and durability. The clients particularly praised the competent support on site, during and after the construction phase. Aliaxis once again proves itself to be a system provider with a one-stop service - from the products and equipment to on-site support. We are once again demonstrating our special ability to support challenging projects through reliability and service.