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Zugang zu unserer CAD-Datenbank auf Traceparts

TraceParts is one of the world's leading CAD content platforms for the engineering, industrial equipment, and machine and plant design industries.

The TraceParts CAD content platform is available free of charge to millions of engineers and designers worldwide, providing access to more than 1,591 supplier-certified product catalogs and billions of 2D drawings, 3D CAD models and product datasheets they perfectly respond to the needs of digitization of processes and operations of design, purchase, production and maintenance, in practically any industrial sector.

In this collection you will find the models of the FIP branded manual valves of the various typologies: ball, butterfly, diaphragm, check and auxiliary, in all materials PVC-U, PVC-C, PP-H, PVDF.

In this collection you will find the models of the ASTORE brand manual valves of the various typologies: ball, butterfly, check and auxiliary in PVC.

In this collection you will find the models of the FIP brand actuated valves of the various typologies: ball, butterfly, diaphragm and solenoid and of all materials PVC-U, PVC-C, PP-H, PVDF.

In this collection you will find the models for FIP branded fittings for glueing and threaded in PVC-U, PVC-C and for welding systems in PP-H, PVDF.

You will also find accessories and pipe clamps for the related materials.